
Thursday, 31 October 2019

Planting For Pompallier School

 We were planting heaps of trees and plants because our school just got a bus bay so we had to cut down heaps of trees, So we planted alot of trees and plants especially heaps of native trees and plants too. I was digging the soil and using the spade to chucked it on to the wheelbarrow, we were making a human chain to get the soil down the field and then the people down the end of the field were puting the soil on around the plants.I was on digging for a long time and then I was on the soil and it was a bit boring but I still liked it. We talk a before photo so hopefully there is going to be a after photo.


  1. hi kingston i am Ezra from saint mary's school. what trees and plants did your school plant.

  2. hi kingston i am Ezra from saint mary's school . what tree's and plant's did your school plant.
